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The jammers are weapons electronic

Enzo Zhong
The jammers are weapons electronic

The GPS jammer is déjà a product that is widely utilisé. It is widely utilisé in the military field in many countries. The génération jammer has createdé of the evils of t&stop;te for many intelligence agents, and criminals. They have a aidé the country à réreduce the losses éstandards.

jammer 4G

The gangsters, the chinese seem to have joined the armée the Russian in the dédevelopment and use of technology to "spoof" (dérotate) the GPS signals. The use of this technology is known in the city of Shanghai for 2018. Spoofing GPS chinese a été making the connection;the implementation of difféthat are defined differently from the méthode Russian. While the theft of identityé the Russian would appear cool;tre all GPS devices of a zone in the m&stop, me position instead of the many positions différents that they étaient réellement. On the other hand, the theft of identityé chinese, when it était active, showed individual vessels, each in its place différent but always around the m&stop, me central point that était apparently the place o&where; the signals of the usurpation étaient diffuseés. This has produced what we callé modède «crop circle».

It has été noté by équipages vessel slowly entered the port of Shanghai. By doing this, they monitored the location of other vessels via their AIS transponder (Automatic Identification System). Under international law, all large sea-going ships éwere required to carry and use éequipment AIS, who were broadcasting continuously the GPS position of the ship. But there have been cases o&where; the ships were suddenly given the positions AIS vessel près to them change. L'équipage gateway could see, often with and / or without the use of binoculars, o&where; is found to be in the other ships while in the m&stop, me time, display, AIS showed elsewhere in a circular area. Après a few minutes, the signals of AIS reported à new with précision the position. In such situations, it has été noté that no récepteur GPS à the edge was not receiving signal, just like the GPS devices à land who were in the circle.

The chinese government has neither aé all responsibilitiesé for this usurpation GPS and the blâme for smugglers who use apparently the device from theft of identityé for éviter d'&our vision to be taken by the police as a smuggling vessel was carrying cargo illégal. In one case, the smuggler was when m&m stop;me été attrapé due to an accident causé by usurpation of the identityé and été constaté that the smuggler was transporting sand illéalso obtained à cloé and été out of the port to &stop;tre sold elsewhere. Sand mining, a été prohibited in this région because this précieuse goods était très demandée elsewhere and export more damage to the environment.

the One who uses this new GPS jammer around Shanghai has not été capturé, in part because the device has not apparently été utilisé that six times, and then only for short péperiods. Après the evidence collected so'à préfeels, it seems as if the jammer était maintained long enough, l'éstretched and the center of the crop circle may &our vision to be localisés and the police envoyée à the place to enter l'éequipment and those who use it.


Enzo Zhong
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