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Improve Retail Efficiency with Our Microsoft RMS ecommerce integration | Magento, Shopify, Bigcommerce

Oodles Technologies
Improve Retail Efficiency with Our Microsoft RMS ecommerce integration | Magento, Shopify, Bigcommerce

Drive development in retail, streamline processes and boost client support. Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS) provides a full point of sale (POS) solution for small and medium-size retailers that can be tailored to meet specific requirements. This powerful software package automates POS processes and store operations, provides multi-store retailers with centralized control, and integrates with Microsoft Office system systems, Microsoft Dynamics GP, and other common applications.

Improve retail efficiency with our Microsoft RMS eCommerce integration. Microsoft Dynamics RMS automates POS and store operations. Our eCommerce integration allows you to exchange product information and sales data from your POS to your online store.



Push The Store Foot Traffic

Octopus Channel is our patented cloud-based collaboration framework that synchronizes products in-store with site Google Local Inventory Ads. It helps shoppers to monitor the store inventory in real-time while they are checking their smartphones for items. By clicking on your ad, shoppers can land on a store's Google-hosted web page named 'Local Storefront.' Shoppers can take advantage of the local storefront to display your product inventory, test stock quality, see store hours, get promotions and find directions.

Integration of Octopus Channel with online sites like Amazon, eBay, Walmart and your own eCommerce website allows brick-and-mortar stores to more easily sell goods on the global marketplaces. Eliminate manual data entry, no more pasting of copies and handle all your items in one place. Octopus Channel Synchronization with Microsoft RMS POS seamlessly synchronizes inventory across all marketplaces, eCommerce sites and physical locations, improving both consumer loyalty, rankings and providing better operational performance. This, in effect, results in lower operating costs and higher profit margins.

Schedule a demo TODAY! Get in touch with us sales [at] 24sevencommerce.com or Call Us at +1-708-406-5476

Oodles Technologies
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