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What Surprising Features Make illuminati Coin Completely Different from Other Wallets?

Nisha Singhal
What Surprising Features Make illuminati Coin Completely Different from Other Wallets?

There are many rumors that Google is secretly working on a Crypto currency called "ILLUMINATI COIN." The technology giant Google may be working on a blockchain even more private and unbreakable than Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, meaning it’s supported by a source code that uses highly sophisticated algorithms to prevent unauthorized duplication or creation of Bitcoin units. The code’s underlying principles, known as cryptography, are based on advanced mathematical and computer engineering principles. It’s virtually impossible to break Bitcoin’s source code and manipulate the currency’s supply, with Illuminati Coin it IS impossible to break its source code, this is just one of the many advantages Illuminati Coin will have according to the application.

Illuminati Coin crypto currency is far more advanced compared to the Bitcoin system; for example, bitcoin has imperfections and weak points that can be exploited by sophisticated hackers looking to steal Bitcoin for their use. The Mt. Gox incident, as well as a host of smaller, less publicized events, underscore that Bitcoin exchanges are particularly vulnerable to theft by hacking, Illuminati Coin does not have these imperfections and are Hack Proof! According to a patent application published Thursday by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patent application, which Google initially filed in August 2017, lists 21 Google employees as inventors of the new Illuminati Coin system.

According to the rumored application, the crypto would store a diverse range of data in its blockchain that would inform the system's predictions of future hacking events, therefore making it the safest crypto currency in the world. Google (rumored inventors) wrote in their application that the new system would change the whole crypto currency world forever.


Illuminati Coin - Your Next Cryptocurrency.

Your very first capability-driven token of interest. Quantification of the capability-based expression of interest into a token. The arrival of your capability-driven economy in your capability marketplace.


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Nisha Singhal
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