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WHO Will Recruit Trump to Expand the Antivirus Corona, Remdesivir

Berita Terkini
WHO Will Recruit Trump to Expand the Antivirus Corona, Remdesivir

the President of the United States (U.S.) Donald Trump to stop the funding to the WHO. However, the world health Organization will still involve the US to increase the production of antivirus software remdesivir artificial Gilead Sciences for the handling of Covid-19.

Based on the latest data from clinical trials that are done the U.S. government, remdesivir seem effective in speeding up the recovery of patients infected with corona virus. Therefore, WHO will discuss with the U.S. government and Gilead Sciences to reproduce this antivirus.

"There is a signal of hope in there for the potential use of the drug," said Executive Director of the WHO program for emergency health Dr Mike Ryan quoted from CNBC International, Saturday (5/5).

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "WHO Will Recruit Trump to Expand the Antivirus Corona, Remdesivir" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/05/05/who-bakal-gaet-trump-untuk-perbanyak-antivirus-corona-remdesivir
Author: Desy Setyowati
Editor: Desy Setyowati

Berita Terkini
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