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Campus PTS cheapest - Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Campus PTS cheapest - Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

So to give an opportunity to the workers / ASN who want to continue their investigation into the Undergraduate level, Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia (UUI) Banda Aceh in the year 2019 encourage class representatives to the unique opened until 28 October 2019.

Class representatives of this wonderful is for graduates of the Diploma who need to continue their exam at the Bachelor's, by speech which is booked on Saturday and Sunday.

the Vice Rector I, UUI for Academic Affairs, Mutiawati, S. Pd, M. Pd, clarifying that in the year 2019 UUI explicitly open the program of the working class with the fundamental purpose for alumni D-III and D-II who want to continue bachelor.

"the working Class of new starts in UUI, almost equivalent to the non-normal but this is more explicit for the representatives and ASN. We are available for all programs of investigation spread over six resources. Plan class Saturday and Sunday. Address of framework online can also be accessed by way of UBONTV directly shed e-learning how to unique login UUI, so that the meeting can go to the address before the PC from home or in the workplace, "said Mutiawati.

Mutiawati including, the inspection program that opened combine S1 Pharmacy planned for the D-III Pharmaceutical / alumni Pharmacy, Midwifery D-IV to D-III help in childbirth / alumni related, S1 and S1 Information System for alumni D-III in the Management of Information / related. In addition, it also opened to the S1 study program Accounting, Management, Architectural Engineering, Nutrition, PGSD, and Science Education Komputer.

the bad Side of the program of the working class, said Mutiawati, combine the financing. In this time the installments must be without a moment's delay, while for this class can be replaced up to several times, so as not to overload the representatives or the ASN that is not currently paid center.

Mutiawati stated, the scope of expenses to class representative is fluctuating. For S1 Accounting and Management, for example, the cost of the underlying is Usd 7.350.000 and can be replaced in a few times or around Rp 490,000 each month. In addition, in the second half to eight, they only reimburse the cost of education amounted to Rp 2,500,000 for each semester and can be paid in portions two times ahead of the beginning of the semester and before the exam last year.

Alumni of UPI Bandung, said that the class representative relied on to support the workers and ASN who want to continue their instruction to the Undergraduate level.

"this way, as far as these class representatives has just opened in some areas in Java, for example, UI, BINUS, UNJ. All things considered, at this time in Aceh as it is now in the UUI. The inspection Program has been authorized B library, and it is also licensed A, "the lid Mutiawati.

Registration for the class of workers is restricted until 28 October 2019 through a group of advisers UUI Sipenmaru which is located in the Directorate of Academic Administration UUI, Jln. Alue Naga, Tibang, Banda Aceh

Visit - https://www.uui.ac.id

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