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How to Deal with Driving Anxiety

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How to Deal with Driving Anxiety

Driving anxiety is a very common form of anxiety which can range from driving to severity, where anxiety is always present, as long as there are all ways to refuse to drive, in which case he becomes a driving expert. Is. ۔ Yes, phobia is a fear that is paralyzed but irrational.

Which is literally interpreted as fear of open spaces. But it’s not the fear of open spaces that scares people, it’s the fear of losing control. People with driving phobias are at risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam and if they face panic they also lose control of a car, accident or mishap and are unable to escape. ۔ . For many people, driving in front of large trucks can be very nervous racing, such as merging on a freeway or driving in fast lanes.

Symptoms of driving anxiety
The symptoms of driving anxiety or phobia are similar to other types of anxiety: burning, sweating and palms sweating, malaise, confusion, dizziness, dry mouth and shortness of breath. This is the classic “Fight or Flight Response”. Sometimes people think they are going to die or go crazy. This can be really scary and people will avoid driving to avoid such intense emotions. Of course, these are just emotions, and even extreme panic attacks do not have long-term effects.

Obviously, this can seriously affect a person’s ability to work on a daily basis if they need to drive to work, or especially here in Southern California. Driving is essential for speeding anywhere.
Driving anxiety can start in many ways. Usually a person has experienced an accident-like event or “near call” and this memory is still protecting the unconscious mind. Sometimes, though not often, such concerns go beyond blue. If you are a person who is suffering from anxiety or fear then driving can only be a place where it appears.
In addition, low blood sugar episodes can cause anxiety that can be related to driving, if you drive with low blood sugar. Low blood sugar can occur after or after a normal diet or a high sugar diet. This is especially true for people with a family history of diabetes or hypoglycemia.


However, driving problems can turn into phobias. In other words, some of you are afraid of driving and you decide to stop altogether, it becomes a complete blown fear and it becomes difficult to reverse as much as you avoid it, say ۔ The good news is that fear of driving is a learned behavior. If you’ve ever felt comfortable driving, you’ve learned this, so if you’re not in pain right now, you can learn to relax.
Driving anxiety points
Here are some tips to help you feel safe and comfortable and confident. If you are not currently driving due to fear, I suggest you seek help as many people can resume driving with the help of a good physician or hypnotherapist.
Basics: Avoid driving on an empty stomach. Consider how you feel after eating certain foods, especially sugar or plain car (bread, pastries, soft drinks). Drinking alcohol at night can also trigger blood sugar imbalances. Also, if you are driving without sleep, you are asking for trouble. Start taking care of yourself.
Caffeine: A popular stimulant for anxiety. Some of my clients have been relieved of their anxiety by reducing caffeinated beverages.
Consider car polling: If you engage in conversation, then you are less responsible for thinking anxious thoughts. You have to run halfway. Think about it carefully together, because some people get too busy talking while driving.
Manage your stress: Excessive stress is a common cause of anxiety. What you can do to reduce your stress levels: Exercise, take more breaks, meditate, do yoga, etc.
Proof: Some positive affirmations about the ability to drive by hand, written in a script, calm, comfortable and relaxed. For example, “I am a quiet, comfortable and relaxed driver and enjoy listening to music (radio, audio books, etc.).” Read them before bed and immediately after you wake up. Tell them out loud and imagine driving while feeling calm and relaxed. Don’t waste the power of this simple exercise.
The fear of trouble for most people is this: “Oh my God, I have to go west tomorrow. I know it hurts me a lot. I’m already feeling it. That’s what I’m feeling. ” Instead, try to say something like, “Yeah, I know I can handle it if I’m upset.”

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