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How to get your hospital online with a web and mobile app platform?

Optisol Business
How to get your hospital online with a web and mobile app platform?

The impact of Covid is here to stay on a long terms and it is also getting obvious that the impact of the epidemic on healthcare systems goes beyond the current turbulence and there will be new norms. Necessity is the mother of invention and disruptions create many necessities. One of the major necessity for healthcare vertical is safer collaboration amongst various stakeholders, patients, doctors and other professionals.

Healthcare providers are operating with a conviction that services had to be exchanged in physical tangible terms and that made the adoption of digital technology a huge challenge. The current turmoil could trigger a change in the course of this direction and adoption to digital solutions can be a reality soon.     

“Globally, there has been drop by 60% in the visits to hospitals and ER as people avoid due to the fear of getting infected”

One of the vital steps towards easing patient experience is providing virtual care via digital tools. Recent reports states that there is increase of hospitals and health systems which aims in providing virtual care as part of their transformation strategy. This will improve the hospital operation with easy access and cost-effective models by leveraging Telemedicine technology.

“Telemedicine – a Virtual Integrated Care, enables the health care to grow and establish capacity to widen the access and improve outcome”

Digital health – the transformation of healthcare from one-on-one consulting to virtual consulting through video conferencing, online health monitoring, online prescription, etc. This ensures safety of all stakeholders and in the long run, there might be increasing needs for quarantine of healthcare professionals and uninterrupted services can be provided with this service offering. Telemedicine – acts as the bridge between patients, physicians and health systems enabling virtual channels to reduce safety threats to both people and frontline medical staffs.

Building blocks of a Tele Health Platform

  1. Booking Engine: Patient/Members can explore the list of all registered Doctors (available) nearby their location. They can select any specified doctor to view details and book appointment. The Doctors can manage their appointments and availability timeslots. Both Doctors and Patients get alerted on appointment confirmation and upcoming appointments.
  2. Digitized Doctor - Patient Portal: Doctors can access the portal using their mobile or tablet devices to view patient details, make virtual consultation and recommend medication. Similarly, the patients can use the mobile application to make booking, take virtual consultation and get online prescription. Both these users can access the application anywhere, anytime seamlessly
  3. Secured Payments: Support secured payment for the appointments using credit/debit card as well as net banking
  4. Video Consulting: Acts as the key feature to enable real-time interaction between doctor and patient. Doctors can attend their patients through this feature and communicate on the health issues.
  5. Online Prescription: Doctors can make prescriptions to patients online based on the communication and interact in future on need basis. Patients can use this prescription and get medicines in the pharmacy and intake medication as guided

OptiSol eHealth Offering:


Our mobility Solution will act as the entry point for patients to connect with licensed doctors and get consultation and medication prescriptions. With listing of doctors across multiple specialties, the patients can schedule on-demand visits virtually based on their needs along with service range from therapists, psychologists and counselors to get support and guidance.

The patients with complex medical assistance, can get medical service and confident decisions from experts. These medical experts can review the case history, medical records and test results to provide accurate diagnosis and treatment plans.

Our Solution assists the healthcare members to collaborate with the patients to deliver industry-leading virtual care. We have a team of experts who can provide business consulting and ideas to develop tailored solutions for modernizing user experience and high-quality care.

Are you interested with our solution, feel free to call us or email us at info@optisolbusiness.com

Optisol Business
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