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Social media website development

Aimprosoft Company
Social media website development

Social media website development

If you desire to develop a social media website like Facebook, you need to implement these features: profile management, private messaging, post publishing, post feed, and social activities (likes, shares, comments).

In the first step, you should describe your idea, do marketing research, and target audience analysis. If your idea is competitive, you may start planning strategy. When your plan is described, you may find UI / UX designers to create prototypes and mockups.

The most challenging process is backend development. In this stage, you should choose the right tech stack to make your platform fast and scalable. Non-optimal technologies may cause troubles in the future as the project progress.

Aimprosoft Company
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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