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How can I promote my restaurant online?

inventriks Digital
How can I promote my restaurant online?

Where else would you share that you now have an Online Ordering System for Restaurants feature on your website than your actual site?  Have a big, flashy sign in a visible area (perhaps near your company name or logo) on your home page first and subsequent pages as well.  Use an animated icon for even more visibility.  Moreover, you can use your slideshow images as well.  If you do not have such a detail on your website, I would recommend you get it because visuals are great ways to engage your viewers.  Include one whole slide about Online Ordering System for Restaurants for even more awareness.

If you have a blog linked to your site, which you should have, post something about this new feature and how it works.  List the pros of Online Ordering System for Restaurants, such as having final approval over their order and not feeling rushed when they order, and describe how simple it is to use.

inventriks Digital
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