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Android App Development: Highlights of 2019 & Plans for 2020

Meenakshi Kashyap
Android App Development: Highlights of 2019 & Plans for 2020

Android has seen spectacular growth in 2019 and Google Play accounted for a significant increase with over 116 billion downloads of the apps and games that android app developers have created. With such a massive win, Android has plenty of plans in its bag to build for the current decade-2020, which Android has officially announced. To keep android app development at the top position, android is working hard in developing the latest technology and tools for modern Android development and distribution, improving Google Play and the Play Console to offer the world new and better ways for the android app to be discovered, promoted, and monetized.

For 2020, Android is highly focused on keeping users safe and maintaining trust in Google Play.  

Modern Android App Development 

Android is focused on building great tools & services. Android is well known for its openness and by keeping glance at every word of customers, Android is on the path to make it modern android app development via making it opinionated, powerful, fast, easy to develop and also eliminating everything that slows down it.

This will help developers in creating incredible engaging experiences. In 2019, we had seen this advancement in various android developments and will see many revolutions in 2020. ...Read more 

Meenakshi Kashyap
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