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Tucann Distillate Vaporizer Pens

Order Bud Online Dispensary
Tucann Distillate Vaporizer Pens

60.00 CA$

see more : https://orderbudonline.org/product/tucann-distillate-vaporizer-pens/

Tucann takes their worldly knowledge and incorporates it into their cannabis products. Inspired by the beauty of the Amazon rainforest, Tucann offers a discreet and convenient way to ?fly above? with their disposable distillate vaporizer pens. Sourced from locally and organically-grown cannabis and 100% real cannabis-derived terpenes to create a delectably fruity paradise. Each unit now contains a rechargeable battery that has an output of 320 mAh. The rechargeable battery can be accessed by unscrewing the ?lid? located at the bottom of the pen unit. Each Tucann Distillate Vaporizer Pen contains 0.5mL of distillate.

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