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Herbivores Edibles – THC Sour Pack – 150mg

WTF Cannabis Online Dispensary
Herbivores Edibles – THC Sour Pack – 150mg

19.99 CA$

see more : https://wtfcannabis.com/product/herbivores-edibles-thc-sour-pack-150mg/

Herbivores Edibles present a tasty alternative to medicating, with their line of vegan-friendly gummy candies. One pack of these candies contains 6 pieces of sour fruit flavoured gummies, covered in a sour sugar to give a little bit of an acidic kick. Taste the difference quality can make.

Herbivore Edibles are the bomb! Chocolates, not your thing? That’s all right! Not too many people can resist sour candies. Especially these ones. With a great selection, Herbivore Edibles has done it again. Have a busy day? No time to medicate? Pop a pack of these in your pocket and head out for the day. Convenient, discreet and so tasty with flavours that will bring back memories. Each candy is loaded with 25 mg of flavourless THC distillate, so it’s best to take one at a time, even though it’s oh so tempting to eat the whole bag.

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ADDRESS : British Colombia - Vancouver – Canada
- WTF Cannabis Online Dispensary

WTF Cannabis Online Dispensary
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