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Birdwatching in Panama

Supreet Sahoo
Birdwatching in Panama

Panama Audubon Society. The Republic of Panama, a tropical country with a large diversity of easily reachable habitats, is a great place for an introduction to the birds of the American tropics. The total number of bird species found in Panama, about 950, is surprisingly large, especially when you consider the relatively small surface of the country. Some 150 of these are geotropically migrants that only occur in the country from September till April. This variety is partly explained by the fact that Panama is a land bridge between North and South America. Therefore, our resident avifauna is tranquil of a mix of birds from both North and South. 

 Looking for More Than 500 Species of Birds Along Pipeline Road in Soberanía National Park: This is the luminary bird-watching trail for the immense number of species found here. In fact, for several years Pipeline Road has set the world record for 24-hour bird counts. Even non-birders can’t help getting caught up in the action with so many colorful show birds trembling about, such as motmots, trogons, toucans, antbirds, colorful tanagers, and flycatchers. The farther you walk or bike along the rainforest trail, the better your chances of spotting rare birds.

Supreet Sahoo
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