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Know when the census 2021 will start, what are the 31 questions asked

Mohan Yadav
Know when the census 2021 will start, what are the 31 questions asked

As all of you realize that the registration 2021 procedure is going to begin soon. Because of this, today in this article, we will mention to you what is the registration, when will the procedure start, the statistics authorities will ask you inquiries.

The 31 questions asked during Census 2021 are as follows:

1.Building Number (Municipal or Local Authority Number)

2.The material used mainly in roof, wall, and ceiling

3. For what purpose is the house being used---

4.Census house number

5.House condition

  1. Market Number
  2. Name of Head of Household
  3. Head's gender
  4. Number of people living in the house
  5. Does the head of the household belong to SC / ST or other community
  6. Ownership status of the house
  7. Rooms in the house

13. How many married couples live in the house

  1. The main source of drinking water
  2. Toilet or not
  3. What type of toilets are there
  4. Availability of water source in the house
  5. Drainage System
  6. Washroom or not
  7. The main source of power
  8. Whether the kitchen is there or not, it has LPG / PNG connection
  9. Kitchen Fuel
  10. Radio / Transistor
  11. Television
  12. Whether the Internet has the facility
  13. Laptop / Computer or not
  14. Telephone / Mobile Phone / Smartphone
  15. Bicycle / Scooter / Motorcycle / Moped
  16. Car / Jeep / Van
  17. Which cereal is mainly consumed in the house
  18. Mobile Number (Census related contact)
Mohan Yadav
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