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Investing in a New US Climate

Alex Paul
Investing in a New US Climate

An acquaintance of mine was a state legislator representing a district within California. When “Then Movie Star” Arnold Schwarzenegger was running for Governor of California, the legislator said to me, “...if Schwarzenegger gets elected, he won't get anything done. We won't let him get anything done.”

His point was, Schwarzenegger was an outsider and an opportunist, with little to no experience in the public sector. His performance in office was ultimately lackluster. To attempt to get things done, Schwarzenegger often went to the public through referendum; utilizing his star power to some effect. But, all in all, his governorship was underwhelming.

Now with Trump, there are similar circumstances. He was elected in the shadow of Brexit with less than half of the popular vote. His base, to a large extent was angry disaffected Americans looking for a real change of the status quo. If you want insight into the American psyche of why Trump got elected read “Hillbilly Elegy Book by J. D. Vance.”

Scott Schwartz MBA, is Certified Investment Management Analyst, from the Wharton School of Business; and the Investment Management Consultants Association.

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Alex Paul
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