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Soy candles

shane jo
Soy candles

Soy candles

Immerse yourself in a fresh scent of pure clothes, juicy bergamot or hot milk with honey, while watching the

candle flame. Soy wax candles create pleasant moments with very intense aromas and without unwanted and toxic


Advantages of soy wax candles:
They produce up to 90% less soot than paraffin candles.
They take up to 50% longer to burn than classic candles.
They are non-toxic and safe for children and pets.
They burn in a clean and beautiful way.
Due to the low melting point, the aroma of soy wax candles releases more quickly and scents the environment more

At notino.pt you will find soy wax candles made exclusively from soy wax, but also candles made

from mixtures with other waxes, such as, for example, coconut or bee. Discover soy wax tea candles or glass scented soy candles , Smells Like Spells, Paddywax and others.

shane jo
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