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Troubleshooting Advice to fix Canon Printer Offline Problem

Daniel Waugh
Troubleshooting Advice to fix Canon Printer Offline Problem

How to Troubleshoot Canon Printer is Offline Issue? 

Are you looking out for reliable help which will help you resolve the Printer is Offline error for Canon Printers? If yes, then keep following the steps mentioned below to eradicate the offline printer error from the roots.

There are three things that you can actually do to troubleshoot the issue effectively.

  1. Try to Restart the Printer Spooler Service 

Take a look at the steps below to resolve Printer Spooler Service-

– From the search box of the Start Menu, enter Service. Click on Services which is a Desktop App.

– Now, when you see the option for Print Spooler right-click on it.

– Select properties, and set its startup type to Automatic. Click on Ok

  1. Go to the settings and Disable the ‘Use Printer Offline’ option. 

– First, go to the Control panel.

– Then select Hardware and Sound.

– Further, go to Devices and Printers option.

– Right-click on the option for Canon printer and select ‘See What’s Printing’.

– Make sure that the option for ‘Use Printer Offline’ is unchecked.

– Cancel all the documents placed in the printing queue.

– Lastly, test printing to make sure that the Canon Printer is Offline issue is resolved.

  1. The third method is to reinstall the Canon Printer Software. 

If the above-mentioned methods do not work then try this out to get Canon Printer from Offline to Online.

  • Press the Windows key along with the R key together. This will open the Run Box.
  • Now, in the box enter devmgmt.msc and select Ok.
  • Under the print queues find the Canon printer. Choose Uninstall device option.
  • Finally, you can now download the latest driver for the model of your Canon Printer from its official website.

Let the installation process for the printers complete. Once that is done test printing out documents.

If an issue persists then do not hesitate for even a bit to seek help from professionals who have their expertise in troubleshooting Canon Printer is Offline Issue.

How to Fix Canon Printer Offline is Windows 10 issue? 

Is your Canon Printer showing Offline in Windows 10? We are providing you some steps which will help eradicate the problem in no time.

What are the Reasons for Canon Printer is Offline Windows 10 issue? 

If you are wondering about why your Printer is Offline in Windows 10 then here are some possible reasons.

  1. You have faulty connection ports and connections
  2. Your connecting cords or sockets are damaged.
  3. Printer spooler is not functioning properly
  4. No internet connection
  5. You are required to update Windows 10

Now, take a look at the easy methods which will resolve Offline Canon Printer Windows 10 problem-

  1. Firstly, check the power supply. If you see any damage then get it fixed immediately.
  2. Make use of the Canon Printer Software. There may be chances that due to a missing software the Canon Printer is unable to receive information from the PC.
  3. Try to set the printer online manually.
  4. Also, use the troubleshooting tools available in Windows 10
  5. Finally, you can try and update the Printer Driver.

In case, you are unable to fix the issue then try to discuss and get solutions from well-experienced technicians.

What is the procedure to Eradicate Canon Printer is Offline Mac issue? 

Is your Canon Printer not receiving commands from your Mac system? Know that this is not an issue which only you are facing, many users come to us for the same issue.

But, the good part is that you get to resolve the problem without much difficulty.

Resetting the Canon Printer 

How to do so.

  1. Go to the ‘Apple Menu’ and from here choose the ‘System Preferences’.
  2. Then, proceed to ‘Print and Scan’ option.
  3. When you see the option for ‘Reset Printing System’. Click on it.
  4. Also, make sure that the Canon Printer is attached to your Mac system. This can happen either through a wireless connection or an Ethernet connection.
  5. Now go back to the Print and Scan option and choose the + symbol. From here you can easily add your Canon Printer to your Mac System.

Hope that these steps will help troubleshoot Printer is Offline Mac issue. If not, then make it certain to take help from proficient experts.

Daniel Waugh
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