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Advantages of Boarding for Pets

Moonshadow Pet Resort
Advantages of Boarding for Pets

For many pet owners, leaving the furry family member for the first time with strangers can be a stressful experience, but boarding can change that. In pet boarding, pets spend days full of fun, safe socialization with other pets, interactions with a caring staff, exercise and the opportunity to spend a lot of energy. Your pet's safety and well-being should be a priority at these institutions, so if you live in South Carolina, it is important to choose the best pet boarding Charleston near you that have safety protocols such as veterinarians, cleaning materials suitable for pets, floors made of rubber compressed to reduce the impact on the animal's feet, joints and hips.

pet boarding

Wanting to be social is deeply instinctive for pets. That is why contact with other animals is encouraged in their daily routine. Regular playtime with other pets has several benefits, including:

  • Animals are more sociable with other pets and other people
  • They become physically fit
  • They learn positive behaviour
  • They are distracted most of the time with various activities
  • They eat better
  • Keeps health up to date, which avoids having to look for the nearest veterinary hospital.

Pet boarding offers various activities

Obesity in pets is a growing concern, which is why they are encouraged with various options of activities during the day, such as playing in ball pools, walking circuits, chasing objects and playing with other pets. In pet boarding, they learn positive behaviour, which causes less mischief when they are at home, such as gnawing carpets, tearing sofas, etc. Each new pet receives a newsletter at the end of the day detailing their behaviour, including who they befriended and how they interacted with the team and other pets.

A safe haven for your pet

  • At pet boarding, a variety of fun playrooms offer everything an active puppy needs, including space and supervision.
  • Game rooms are often air-conditioned and grouped by size, personality and style of play to ensure your pet is safe and comfortable.
  • As your pet ages, grows and develops, they can change their playroom as their confidence increases and/or their play preferences change.
  • The game room floors are specially designed for pets (dog and cat).

When looking for pet boarding Charleston, make sure the playrooms are safe and fun to encourage exercise and comfort. Game rooms should be separated with walls to prevent the spread of airborne contagions and to reduce noise. This also provides a relaxing environment for pets, as the sight of other pets between rooms can lead to frustration of the barrier.

Also, make sure that the nursery has an integrated veterinary clinic for assistance in case of accidents or bites from other pets, in addition to checking the health of the pets and the vaccination card when screening new guests.  Finally, remember that pets must be socialized safely with other animals. The best place to do this is at the pet boarding.

Moonshadow Pet Resort
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