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Ultimate features of WhiteLabel Local Bitcoin Clone Script

nethra singh
Ultimate features of WhiteLabel Local Bitcoin Clone Script

To start a P2P bitcoin exchange platform like LocalBitcoins with Whitelabel solutions, you need a Whitelabel LocalBitcoins clone script. This script provides all technical functionalities to launch your crypto exchange platform like LocalBitcoins with customizing trading features.

Entrepreneurs who are all planning to launch to p2p bitcoin exchange website Localbitcoins, As a prominent Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Script Provider, Sellbitbuy offers the 100% customizable White-label Localbitcoins Clone Script to start your own crypto exchange platform with value-added features.

Ultimate features of local bitcoin clone script


As per the terms and conditions, the users have to submit the documents for the KYC  verification process which includes the basic information of the user like name, photo. This feature helps to protect from fraudulent activities.

Dispute Resolution

In the trading process, if the buyer/seller doesn't hand over the bitcoins to the wallet on time or any other issues occurs between the buyer and seller. The admin of the exchange platform resolves the disputes between both parties.

Two-factor authentication

In the LocalBitcoins clone script, the trader is secure from the mobile base password with help of the two-factor authentication method. To prevent unauthorized access for a secure trading.

Multicurrency Support

It supports multiple types of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and so on.

To Know More About Whitelabel Localbitcoins Clone Script, Read this blog >>> 

nethra singh
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