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Netflix Announces Another Mobile Game Crossover Featuring Garena Free Fire & Money Heist

John Smith
Netflix Announces Another Mobile Game Crossover Featuring Garena Free Fire & Money Heist

Garena Free Fire is preparing for theft and armed robbery with the help of the popular Netflix series “Money Heist.” Garena Free Fire was the most downloaded action game of 2019 and is now joining hands with a Spanish series. This is happening for a limited-time event that will include a new game mode, new gears, and new outfits for fans. Garena Free Fire is also a battle royale game similar to PUBG and COD. Garena Free Fire made a lot of improvements after the release and is now ready to step into the bigger league by working with a popular series.

Garena Free Fire is a mobile battle royale game, and that’s the biggest reason it earned a great number of fans in a short period. However, in Garena Free Fire, up to 50 players can play in a single match in TPP mode. In popular battle royale games, Garena Free Fire is also featured.

The following announcement was made on the Garena Free Fire YouTube channel this week. In this crossover, players can play the new mode based on the series. The new battle mode will consist of 4v4 between two teams. Players have to gather banknotes in the highest amount before the time runs out. To collect the banknotes, it is necessary to search the “Money Presses” on the map. Any team that successfully defends their territory and collects the required number of banknotes will be victorious.

Garena Free Fire became a partner of Netflix to provide an ultimate and brand new experience to its players. The web series Money Heist is one of the finest and popular series on Netflix, which is also about the robbery. Most of the players think Garena Free Fire is only for the lower specs devices, but after this new update, things might change a bit. With every new update, Garena Free Fire is improving the experience and interface of the game. Hopefully, players will be thrilled by this amazing crossover.

Garena Free Fire is trying to give the best experience to their players. This initiative will increase the popularity and trust of players over the game. The Money Heist event will begin in September. So players might see the masks and red jumpsuits from the series in the game event.

Garena Free Fire is trying hard to gain more fans and players around the world. The battle royale mode of Garena Free Fire is similar to Fortnite, COD, and PUBG. Garena Free Fire came under the spotlight in 2018. Now Garena Free Fire is available in both iOS and Android platforms to play.

John Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.

Source:- https://thinklocalsetup.com/blog/netflix-announces-another-mobile-game-crossover-featuring-garena-free-fire-money-heist/

John Smith
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