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SEO Basics That Can Make Businesses Profitable in 2020

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SEO Basics That Can Make Businesses Profitable in 2020

Do you own an online business?

Are you looking to gather more views on your product page?

Are you finding it difficult to optimize your Paid advertisements?

Are you in search of more organic and non-paid listings of your product on Google?

One word, that is, SEO is your solution for the above concerns.


Why should you use SEO?

Thousands of web page content get published every day on the internet. In fact, as you read, around 216 blogs just got published. While the number may be hypothetical but the emotion is real. If there is one thing that will enable your online content to stand out from the rest, it is a good SEO.

SEO is read as search engine optimization. It is an online marketing technique to rank high on a search engine, say Google or Bing without any paid tools like Google Adsense.


Here is how to implement SEO for business

Only by understanding how search engines rank your pages will you be able to understand how SEO works. Below explained are four basics of SEO that can make your business more profitable in 2020.


#1 Relevance of backlinks and rich content for search engines

Google’s key ranking factor for many years has been backlinks associated with a particular website. Consider these links as something that vouches for you and sends trust signal to rank your page high on search engine result page.

Google’s search engine algorithm is also organically evolving. It is constantly in search of updated and original content to rank the webpages accordingly. A content writer with good SEO knowledge will ensure long-format content with targeted keywords. Say, regular blog posts on your product offerings or a case study on your service offerings. Backlinks can be built on such content.


#2 Making Meta Descriptions and Headlines attractive for users to click

An associated concept here is the Click-Through Rate (CTR). The headline and Meta description of your page determines if the user must click or skip it. CTR is the way how people engage with Meta Descriptions and Headlines.

Google attaches top priority for optimized meta descriptions and headings through CTR. Best tips to optimize your title is by placing targeted keywords close to the beginning, making the title sound catchy, including numerical value or present year makes it even more relevant.



#3 Improve SEO by enhancing User Experience

Google also collects site analytics and user data to rank a particular web page. For instance, a subsecond website will have much faster loading time and automatically attract more users. Naturally, search engines will list such websites with good UX design high on search results.


#4 Optimizing your Mobile websites for search engines

Previously not but with an increase in mobile phone users in the last 3-4 years have prompted search engines to modify their algorithm to account for mobile websites. Therefore, Marketers will have to optimize separately for desktop version as well as mobile versions to rank high on search results.

SEO may sound simple but it takes years of experience to get it right. Search Engine algorithms are ever-changing and evolving. You need an experienced marketer like Bulldog Design to give you that winning edge in digital marketing. Contact our consultants to get started with our SEO services!

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