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Why Study Engineering at DBGI Dehradun?

Dilip Kumar
Why Study Engineering at DBGI Dehradun?

Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions is one of the best technical education institutes, and to prove this hypothesis, there are a variety of reasons. But, let's start with the most demanded and popular aspect of a technical college. The genuine measuring stick to gauge the accomplishment of any Technical Colleges is its placement ratio, thus the capacity to place its students. Seemingly education isn't just the methods for procuring information in the ideal field yet additionally, a vehicle to a suitable bid for employment. DBGI believes in the prior mentioned statement from the bottom of the heart and therefore is the best engineering college in Dehradun which makes it the most suitable place to pursue engineering degrees for a lucrative and prosperous future.


DBGI believes that it is the responsibility of the college to give support and leave no stone unturned when it happens to provide 'decent' job opportunities as the student gets into the final year at college. Basically, a blend of decent hard and soft skills is the need for great importance to attain a job in today's world. Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions is one such engineering college that has had the option to take into account the necessity of the enrolment requirements—nurturing out decent talent, which is employable and at par with the most wholesome in the Industry. The approach of DBGI is quite simple; make soft skills a part of the typical day to day learning, and the basis of their teaching methodology is 'learning by doing'.


DBGI strengthens the most praised expressions of Benjamin Franklin - "Tell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me, and I learn." Institute offers disciplines like Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering as an undergraduate program and Civil Engineering Structural, Computer Science Engineering, Electronics, and Communication Engineering - Digital Communication and Mechanical Engineering - Thermal as the Post Graduate Programs. The teachers at DBGI lay emphasis on learning, experimentation, enterprise, and a dynamic worth the framework, in all these courses but also understand that the degree isn't the primary need for the development of a decent future and therefore work accordingly in the same direction. To execute this procedure, the administration, along with its workforce works vigorously with the desire to evolve and build a college that could defeat the challenges of the terms and come out a winner praiseworthy.


Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions with the placement rate of 73% provides decent and relevant job opportunities as per the students' credibility and caliber. This becomes possible because of the DBGI's Corporate resource center thus the training and placement cell which apart from being highly active and dedicated also possesses excellent corporate connections that help in getting the best companies on campus. And because of this connection, training and placement cell actively seeks their claim, so that the institutional training is sewed according to conditions of the Industry. The labs and Infrastructure are improved to live up to the enterprise's ever-changing requirements.


Not Surprisingly, DBGI has paved a path for the others, and with the dreams of its students still being their priority, the institute is the best place for the individual who wants to earn a technical degree with the best educational background accompanying with the lucrative career.

Dilip Kumar
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