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Boys Designer Shirts | Shirts For Boys

Lespetits India
Boys Designer Shirts | Shirts For Boys

We are skilled in crafting luxury clothing for children in India. Keeping everyday occasions of joy in mind, we craft brilliant luxury designs and collections for children. We offer a gourmet of an exclusive range of beautiful pieces designed with special care for little ones. At  Les Petits, a touch of care, love & adventure is incorporated in our exclusive collection.
With the aim to spruce kids wear with luxury, Les Petits opened its doors in 2011 at DLF Emporio, New Delhi showcasing the vibrant collections and giving a choice to select from various styles. After serving clients in Delhi with its awesome collection and versatile styles, starting from character prints to mini mini-me style, Les Petits walked further and expanded its wings while opening its second store in Palladium, Mumbai in 2016. Recently,  Les Petits has launched a website to meet the growing demand of customers and offer the luxury kids collection across India.

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Lespetits India
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