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Google’s Android-TV-dongle could be coming soon

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Google’s Android-TV-dongle could be coming soon

In FCC filings, two new Google hardware devices have shown up and it appears to be likely that they're identified with the new Android TV product is apparently been underway for some time. Assuming this is the case, the filings could propose that Google is at long last gearing up to release it soon.

In June, an XDA Developers report stated that Google was setting up a TV dongle codenamed Sabrina that would use Android TV and a traditional remote-driven UI dissimilar to devices of smartphone-controlled Chromecast. With Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, One of the new FCC filings alludes to an “Interactive Media Streaming Device”, while the other is for a Remote Device having a power cover and Bluetooth that 9to5Google theorizes could be Sabrina and its controller respectively.

Unless you purchase a TV with built-in software, there isn't an excessive number of choices for Android TV at the present time. here's the very good quality Nvidia Shield run, which begins at $149.99, or the $59.99 Xiaomi Mi Box S that Google itself advanced a few years prior, yet that is about it. Xiaomi did also simply deliver a $40-ish Mi TV Stick in India and Europe, which is right now the best way to get Android TV in that form factor. We'll need to see whether Google has something additionally convincing in transit. XDA Developers at first announced that the launch was made arrangements for this late spring, so there's still an ideal opportunity for Google to hit that window.


source: https://microaudownloadme.com/googles-android-tv-dongle-could-be-coming-soon/

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