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How to Recover Paypal Account without Email?

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How to Recover Paypal Account without Email?

To access the PayPal account, you must have the valid credentials for your account. In case you have lost or forgotten your PayPal account password, you need to recover it. For recovery, PayPal has different options, and you can choose anyone. Here are the details for recovering a PayPal account without email.

Recover PayPal account without email

If you are unable to access your account due to incorrect password, you need account recovery. For PayPal account recovery without email, you can follow the steps:

  • Open the PayPal homepage on the browser.

  • Click the option of Forgot to start with the recovery.

  • Select the option of Get Started.

  • Then, click on the option of I don't know my password.

  • As you don't have access to the email address, select the phone number option and click By phone option.

  • You can either receive the code by text message or call.

  • With this info, you will be verified.

  • Further, you need to pay all the required info and click on Continue.

  • Finally, create a new password for the account and use your PayPal services.

For any other query or issues, contact the technical support of PayPal. The executives of support are available round the clock to assist you.

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