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Identical Cues but less expensive than Audi S7: 2021 Audi S6

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Identical Cues but less expensive than Audi S7: 2021 Audi S6

The four-door body 2021 Audi S6 sports sedan delivers high-end performance, standard all-wheel-drive. It has the same features as the A6 luxury sedan with powerful powertrains twin-turbocharged V6 that makes 444 horsepower.

Audi S6 has enough space and runs smoothly on twisted roads and paved surfaces. It has impeccable which surely reminds of chivalry especially on date night. The cabin is comfy, plenty of space, high-end features, and comfortable ride on long trips. Audi has the same mechanics as S7 with enhanced race fastback roofline, more power, and increased utility.

See what's new in the 2021 S6 model at https://allcarsales.com/2021-audi-s6/

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