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Information about Dwarka Somnath Gujarat

Shifa Travels
Information about Dwarka Somnath Gujarat

Somnath Dwarka is the most popular pilgrimage center for Hindus, especially in Gujarat. This Dwarka Somnath package is generally very well connected by train, air (flight) as well as by road which starts from Ahmedabad.

Gujarat is of religious and cultural importance in many places. Dwaraka, Somanath, Pawagadh, Bhadreswar, Shamlaji, Jain temples etc. at Taranga are some of the places frequently visited by pilgrims and tourists. There are many monuments and forts depicting the glory of ancient architecture with historical significance. Gujarat is also famous for the Gir forests that are making their final return to the Asiatic lions. The best time to visit Gujarat is during the months of October and March.

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Shifa Travels
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