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Amazon Echo: Changes We Expect in The Upcoming Device

Alice John
Amazon Echo: Changes We Expect in The Upcoming Device

Amazon Echo smart speaker had set its foot in March 2015. It took its time to reach all around the world, but now, it is one of the most intelligent smart speakers. The Echo flagship has been introducing new and better smart speakers ever since the launch of 1st-Generation ones. With time, Amazon Echo found its rivals as well, in the form of Google Home speakers and Apple HomePod speakers. All three companies have their unique products but with a few similar features.



Recently, Amazon confirmed the arrival of some new devices, and customers and technology enthusiasts are incredibly eager to see the latest changes or improvements that Amazon is going to introduce with them. But most of the high hopes are held for the smart speakers under the Amazon Echo flagship as Google is also going to introduce new features and improvements on their upcoming Home speakers.

Although there isn’t any confirmation, the online retail giant, Amazon, is expected to introduce some great features on Echo devices. Observing the history of launches by Amazon, September is usually the traditional month for Amazon to launch and reveal their latest innovations in its flagship. Recently, Amazon made a firm announcement about holding an event (probably for their upcoming devices). The event will be held on 24th September 2020, and the following are the things that we can expect to improve in their devices:

Portable Speaker

Smart speaker users and other technology enthusiasts have been waiting for this upgrade on Amazon speakers. The current technical advancements ask for a change in wires on Echo speakers. It has been a long time since we have connected our speakers to cables, and now, it’s time to break them free from it. There is a huge demand for portable and wireless Amazon Echo speakers. One might want to carry their smart speaker to the backyard for a family get together dinner or in the basement to watch horror movies with friends. The current speakers cannot even work without electricity. Disconnecting the cord will give portability, and would not have you worried about power-cut as the battery will power a wireless speaker.

And the rumors have that the upcoming Google Home speakers will cut the cord and will run on batteries. If that has to be accurate, then Amazon smart speakers have to level up their game. At a recent event, Google gave a sneak-peak into their upcoming product that has a gorgeous pastel blue color, and it can be kept in a portrait or landscape position. They showed a video in which the human model was carrying the Google speaker on their hand, and it was not connected to the cord. If that’s the true image of the upcoming speaker, then you can go cordless with your smart speakers.

Better Sound

There is no doubt that Amazon continues to introduce small changes and improvements to its speakers, but that is not enough for the users anymore. People want excellent sound quality along with the smartness of the speakers. All it seems like Amazon lacks to provide stunning sound or audio quality in their speakers. Thus, it is one of the changes that the customers want to see on their upcoming launch. According to our observation, Echo and Dot remain the most popular speakers because their qualities were equivalent to the price paid.

With the on-going global crisis and stagnation in the economy, consumers will gravitate towards the brand that offers excellent value products. So, it is necessary to roll out a speaker with better sound quality. Moreover, looking at the previous year’s products, we can expect this new range to be louder and clearer.

Please note that these are expectations only, and some of these are based on speculations and rumors. So, the improvements mentioned in the article are not confirmed yet. You can check the specifications only when the company gives a legal announcement, and the product goes online for sale.

Source : https://theukguide.com/blog/amazon-echo-changes-we-expect-in-the-upcoming-device/

Alice John
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