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Top 5 custom t-shirt printing companies

campbell joef
Top 5 custom t-shirt printing companies


T-shirts are not only a popular wardrobe staple today, but effective marketing tools.

Companies across the world are increasingly using custom t-shirts as a powerful marketing tool for promoting almost all sorts of products or services.  One of the biggest reasons for marketers choosing t-shirts as a promotional product is their low costs.

According to Statista, the global market for custom t-shirt printing is expected to reach $3.1 billion in 2025, from $1.16 billion in 2016.

The growing demand for custom apparel, both for personal and marketing use, has resulted in mushrooming plenty of custom t-shirt printing companies.  With several printing companies present in any given market, choosing an appropriate printer sometimes becomes difficult.

But when you know your needs precisely, picking a custom printing company would become easy for you. You'll be able to decide whether to use a small company, a large company, or a medium-sized one.  

So before you choose a printing company, you must know about these companies in brief:

Smaller printing company: You can find smaller custom t-shirt printing companies cheaper than a larger one. It's because of their lower overhead, such as cheaper manual equipment, less-experienced employees, and no or fewer advertisement costs.

While their charges may entice you, you may experience production errors and delays for plenty of reasons that include hobby-grade manual screen presses, lack of organization, inadequate quality control, etc. If you have a big order, you may face the problem of getting the job done on time.

Larger printing company: A larger custom t-shirt printing company usually offers a more robust product line with quicker turnaround times. But it becomes a challenging task to negotiate with them due to massive ad expenses, strict pricing guidelines, and rapid expansion.

Here are quick tips for choosing a custom t-shirt printing company:

  • For smaller orders (below 24 shirts): You should ideally consider a smaller company (usually in your locality) for faster delivery.
  • For a larger custom shirt printing (usually above 50 shirts): Consider a large custom shirt printing company.
  • For budget-conscious: considering white tees with 1 or 2 color print, the order in bulk for affordable printing.

So, mentioned above are a few tips for choosing a custom shirt printing company. Consider them all carefully before you go ahead. Here are the top 5 custom t-shirt printing companies.

5 custom t-shirt printing companies


  1. Designhill

Designhill is the world’s #1 creative marketplace that has serves millions of clients worldwide. The platform provides a wide range of affordable custom apparel printing services that include custom t-shirts, hoodies, and many more for kids, men, and women.

The site is a one-stop solution for its in-built custom shirt making and printing tool to save you from a complicated process to create your t-shirts.   

This company tops my list because it uses the best design practices, ensuring high-quality printing, products within reach of your budget. Also, the platform is affordable and has the fastest turnaround time. It provides high-quality printing, products within reach of your budget. Designhill also lets you create a custom mug, brochures, flyers, logos, etc.

  1. CafePress

CafePress is yet another excellent custom tshirt printing company with a faster turnaround time—usually 5 to 7 business days. You will find a fantastic collection of pre-designed t-shirts that you choose to suit your taste the best and customize it before ordering for printing. 

Ideal for a smaller order, the site delivers unmatched printing quality. However, its prices are slightly higher than in Designhill. Another thing that you should take into consideration while ordering is that shipping is not free. So include the shipping charges while calculating the final payable amount to check if the product is worth buying.

  1. Spreadshirt

Spreadshirt is one of the most popular custom t-shirt printing companies that maintains an excellent print quality and size online catalog. The average turnaround time is around two weeks.

Once you sign in to the website, you get access to an online artist community. If you’re looking for a funky graphic for a tshirt, it will prove to be an excellent place for you. The platform lets you choose a design from the gallery and personalize it further.

  1. Custom Ink

Custom Ink deserves to be in my top 5 custom apparel printing companies. The platform offers incredible printing and product quality. It has a wide range of online catalog where you can find a design of your choice.

The only downside I experienced is its pricing, which is comparatively a little high. The prices you'll see are all-inclusive.

You should visit this site for an exclusive range of clip art designs and many graphic design ideas for your custom t-shirt designs. Its customer support service is terrific that offers a live chat facility. The long working hour of the company allows you to work with them as per your convenience. 

  1. Printful

We’re placing Printful at the bottom, but it can't be misunderstood that it's lesser than any other platform in any way. In fact, Printful is a leading print-on-demand dropshipping platform that you can choose for your custom t-shirt printing needs. Its turnaround time is faster—you can get your delivery in 2 to 7 days, depending on the order size and delivery location.

So, this platform can be an ideal choice if you need quick delivery of your custom tshirts.

With plenty of helpful features to create your t-shirts, the site makes customization of shirts a breeze. You'll have the option to test your tee design on its mockup generator. The feature lets you preview your design and make sure it's exactly what you wanted before finally placing your order for printing. Its pricing is reasonable.


These are some of the best custom t-shirt printing companies that we have rounded up based on the quality of services they offer and their pricing.  These platforms let you create custom shirts in your own way with easy-to-use software. If you need to create a custom shirt, I hope this post would have provided you with useful tips to make an informed decision in choosing a printing company.


Author Profile

I'm a blogger and designer and I work as a creative head for Designhill. I write on topics concerning design, creative logo maker, ecommerce, start-ups, custom clothing, digital marketing, and interactive content. My creative work has earned me several laurels over the years

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