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Google Assistant Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It

Alice John
Google Assistant Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It

Google Assistant helps in solving a lot of our problems by providing quick search results without us having to type in and search for it. But what if the Assistant itself experiences some issues? Well, there could be many possible reasons and thus many possible solutions. So this article will be telling you about some of the possible fixes, in case your Google Assistant is not working.




Reboot Your Phone

Rebooting your phone is known for getting rid of a lot of tech-related problems. And hence, it is worth giving a try. Not to mention how easy it is to perform a reboot. You probably know how to reboot to your phone, but just in case you don’t, here is how:

Step 1: First of all, press and hold the power button on your device for about two seconds.

Step 2: You will see a few options displayed on your screen. All you have to do is select the Restart/Reboot option, and leave the rest on the phone.

Step 3: Once your mobile device turns back on, launch the Google Assistant to check if the problem still exists. If it does, try the next method.

Ensure That the Assistant Is Enabled and Your Device Supports It

It is not always necessary that your device will support the Google Assistant. So to check if does, make sure that your device has:

  • Android 5.0 or above, supported by at least 1GB of memory
  • Minimum screen resolution of 720p
  • Google app 6.13 or higher
  • Google Play services

Also, the device needs to be set to one of the following languages: Chinese (Traditional), English, French, German, Danish, Dutch, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese, Thai, or Turkish.

If everything on your device is set to how it has been described above, but the Google Assistant is still not working on your phone, then check if the service is enabled on your device. Here is how to check:

Step 1: Open the Google app on your phone and select the “More” option at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Then tap on the option named “Settings” followed by “Google Assistant.”

Step 3: Now, tap on the “Assistant” tab at the top.

Step 4: Scroll down to locate and select your device.

Step 5: On the screen that appears, toggle the switches labeled “Google Assistant” and “Hey Google” to on position. By doing this, you just enabled Google Assistant on your phone.

Step 6: Now, you can check if the Google Assistant is working by saying “OK Google, or “Hey Google.” If you still don’t get anything on the screen, move on to the next method.

Retrain the Voice Model

Another possible reason as to why Google Assistant is not working could be because it doesn’t recognize your voice. If this is the case, then you can easily retrain the voice model. Here is how:

Step 1:  On your phone, open the Google app, select “More” followed by “Settings.”

Step 2: Now, select the “Voice” option and tap on “Voice Match” followed by the “Retrain voice model.”

Step 3: Then tap the option named “I agree” and follow the prompts. Afterward, you will be asked to say something to the voice assistant. You can simply say “OK Google” and “Hey Google” a few times.

Step 4: Once done, repeat the hotword to Google Assistant to check if the problem has been solved. If it still doesn’t work, there are a few other things you can try.

Other Possible Solutions

Check the microphone: If the assistant is unable to hear you, it won’t work. Check if your microphone is working, or you aren’t covering it up with your hand while speaking.

Check your internet connection: This is the foremost requirement for Assistant to work. So check if you are online, or the Wi-Fi or mobile network that you are using is stable.

Disable other voice assistants: If you have some other voice assistants installed on your phone, then they might be causing the problem. So, if you have a Samsung device, try disabling Bixby on it. And if you have downloaded Alexa, Cortana, or any other voice assistant on your phone, try disabling or deleting it to check if the Google Assistant works after that.

Upgrade the app: Ensure that the Google app is updated to the latest version, and you have given all permissions for the app to work. To do so, navigate to Settings > Apps > Google app > Permissions.

If none of the above methods helped you fix the problem that you were experiencing with Google Assistant, then it is likely that Google has recently released a software update. So keep looking for a new update for the Google app.

Source : https://setuppost.com/google-assistant-not-working-heres-how-to-fix-it/

Alice John
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