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Come, fulfill your dreams and be a Queen!

Mrs India
Come, fulfill your dreams and be a Queen!

Every woman dreams of being a Queen once in her lifetime. No matter the age or profession, we all want to be a Queen, even if it is only inside our homes. However, you can now turn your dreams into a reality and be a Queen in real life. Participate in the Mrs India International Queen and walk towards your dream. The beauty pageant is organized keeping married women in mind. It is open for women of all ages and professions. No matter what you do or where you are based, you are eligible to apply for the contest. The pageant will change your life in many ways. Once you register for the pageant, you will have to appear for an audition. After the audition, you will undergo a 3-day training and learn from the best and the most well known professionals in the industry.


They will train you with regard to everything in the pageant and will ensure that you are prepared for the big day. Mrs India prize money is1 Lac INR for the winner, Rs 50,000 for 1st Runner Up and Rs 25,000 for 2nd Runner Up. Besides the prize money, you will also get an opportunity to change the life of many women across the globe. You will be able to make an impact on the society and make your voice heard. The pageant has changed the lives of many women in the past. Participate in Mrs India content and take the first step towards your dream.


Please read original post here:   https://bestmrsindia.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/10/09/Come-fulfil-your-dreams-and-be-a-Queen   

Mrs India
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