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guaranteed income plan

Dhiraj pandey
guaranteed income plan

With ICICI Pru Assured Savings Insurance get guaranteed additions to your policy. Receive maturity benefits at the end of the policy term with various tax benefits @ ICICI Prulife.

Gives you a lump sum pay out to secure your future

At the end of the policy term, provided all due premiums have been paid, Maturity Benefit would be payable. It will be a sum of Accrued Guaranteed Additions# and Guaranteed Maturity Benefit.

The GMB depends on several factors such as policy term, premium payment term, age and gender. Your Guaranteed income plan will be set at policy inception and will depend on age, policy term, premium, premium payment term and gender. Your GMB may be lower than your Sum Assured on death. Please read further for more details on GAs.

Dhiraj pandey
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