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Step By Step Application Of Veneer Edge Banding Sheets

JSO Wood Products Inc
Step By Step Application Of Veneer Edge Banding Sheets


The application of the walnut veneer sheets can be done in two ways: manually or with the adhesive. The first process is simpler, but this does not mean that your job will be easier. If you want to produce impeccable furniture for your customer, it is essential that you dedicate time and attention to both edge tape application processes. See below how to make the applications.

Manual application

Clean the surface that will receive the glue and leave it flat, so that the tape is uniform. Apply a layer of contact glue to the plate, wait for it to dry and apply another coat. On the border ribbon, repeat this process. The layers of glue must be thin and well distributed. Wait for the time recommended by the manufacturer and join the tape with the plate. Use nylon or varnished wood scrubber to assist this process. For finishing, use a manual stripper or a knife for thin tapes, or a knife or iron saw for thick ones. To improve the finish even more on thin tapes, use 220 sandpaper to make the edges even smoother and without ripple. And, on thick tapes use a planer. Perform this process diagonally.

Adhesive: the easy one

Before starting the process, check: the maximumwa thickness of the edge strip, the maximum allowed panel width, the feed speed and the glue temperature. Correct the imperfections of the cut before applying the glue. Don't forget to check if the glue temperature is adequate. Before joining with the tape, the applicator roll puts the correct amount of glue on the plate. The pressure roller will assist in bonding the piece. The stripper will remove excess tape in the moments before and after. And the refiner will remove the excess tape above and below the piece, rounding the corners. To finish, the piece goes through a tape scraper and another one with glue.


JSO Wood Products Inc
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