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Flash to HTML5 Conversion – One Webinar that Covers it ALL!

Commlab India
Flash to HTML5 Conversion – One Webinar that Covers it ALL!

What is your biggest concern right now regarding employee training? Is it the COVID induced remote corporate training with the need for digital training? Did you pull out your old Flash courses to use them for training? If so, I’m sorry. Your Adobe Flash courses will stop functioning by the end of 2020. And that makes Flash eLearning to HTML5 conversions a matter of great urgency, don’t you think?


But Flash eLearning to HTML5 conversion is no cakewalk. There is quite a bit of time, effort, strategizing, and project management involved. Luckily for you, here’s a webinar that is dedicated solely to understanding the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of Flash to HTML5 conversion. Tune in to the webinar “Adobe Flash Phase-Out: Impact on Your Flash-based Online Learning Offerings” on October 29, 2020, 11 AM EDT, to get all your queries answered.



Barsha Chetia

Manager – Marketing Content 


Kranthi Kumar

Program Manager

Barsha is a writer, editor, social media expert, and eLearning strategist, who analyzes the latest L&D trends and offers technology-enabled solutions in the form of blogs, eBooks, articles, whitepapers, and external articles to our Fortune 500 clients.She specializes in developing content that focuses on the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of training for modern-day corporate training needs.

Barsha, a trained journalist, works closely with the sales team to understand the workings of multinational corporations to deliver customer-exclusive webinars.

Kranthi Kumar is a Program Manager at CommLab India working closely with the Project Management and Sales Teams to handle business operations. A learning technology strategist and PMP certified project manager with 13+ years of experience, he helps customers formulate the best training solutions to their business challenges.He assists the senior leadership in decisions on learning investments and enjoys working on organizational learning strategies, learning analytics, and non-conventional learning mediums.

He has extensive experience managing learning development teams and delivering learning solutions to Fortune 500 companies.

Sign up for this interactive webinar session on “Adobe Flash Phase-Out – Impact on Your Flash-based Online Learning Offerings”

Let’s take a look at what the webinar is set to offer you.

Adobe Flash Phase-Out: What the Webinar Offers

Flash vs. HTML5

The world knew it was time to finally switch to open-web standards when Steve Jobs put an end to Apple’s long-standing relationship with Adobe Flash in 2010, citing multiple reasons, including incompatibility with iOS devices. With this, technology giants such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Mozilla also began their migration process.

When it comes to eLearning, your Flash-based courses will:

  1. Not be incompatible with mobile devices – smartphones/ tablets
  2. Not function on most modern operating systems – iOS, Android, Windows
  3. Not run on modern-day browsers – Mozilla, Chrome

However, HTML5 fills in all these gaps! It is much more robust and allows for future-proofing your training initiatives. How?

Join the webinar to find out!

The Hidden Benefits of Flash to HTML5 Conversion

While you might be aware about the obvious benefits of Flash eLearning to HTML5 conversion – extended cross-platform browser support, mobile learning compatibility, compliance with latest technical standards, and more – there are other benefits that are not so well known!

To give you an example, Flash eLearning to HTML5 conversions will provide an opportunity for you to incorporate new-age learning strategies. Now, what are these new-age learning strategies and what more can you do during the conversion process?

Find all your answers in the session from our in-house experts!

The 4 Rs of Flash to HTML5 Conversion

As I have mentioned before, converting Flash to HTML5 is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. The process depends on:

  • Whether or not the source files for the Flash courses are available.
  • Whether the course needs updating (instructional design, visuals, and content).
  • Whether the Flash courses need to be published in a new authoring tool.

Whatever the requirement, the 4R strategy of Flash to HTML5 conversion takes care of it all. The 4Rs (Record, Republish. Rebuild, and Redesign) are four tried and tested strategies for conversion based on the requirements for conversion and the availability (or not) of source files and media elements.

If you’re wondering what are these 4 ‘R’s and when and how you should leverage them, you know what to do! Join the webinar!

5-Step Pre-Conversion Checklist

The webinar will also take you through the basic prerequisites for Flash eLearning to HTML5 conversion, and provides a 5-step pre-conversion checklist to help you embark on the conversion journey. Here’s a preview of the checklist.

  1. Collecting and prioritizing old Flash based courses for relevance and validity for conversion – how to collect and prioritize courses for conversion.
  2. Gathering source files –which source files you need to look for and what to do when they are not available.
  3. Choosing the right authoring tool – which authoring tool is the right one for you, based on your specific purpose and business needs.
  4. Choosing a relevant conversion strategy – to decide on the best strategy from the 4Rs I told you about.

……………….. and a lot more!

Reasons to Outsource Your Conversion Project

Last, but not the least, the webinar will also talk about why it is a good idea to outsource your conversion requirements, instead of doing it in-house. Unless you have a dedicated and experienced in-house team working on the conversion, it makes more sense to outsource to a reliable vendor, with expertise and ability to handle large volumes.

Let the webinar open your eyes to the pros and cons of developing in-house, versus outsourcing.

Wrapping it Up

Still have doubts? Our speakers are more than willing to respond to your queries. That is why the webinar also has a dedicated session to answer all your questions regarding the whole Flash to HTML5 conversion process. (Save yourself an exclusive seat here!)

Meanwhile, you can go through our in-depth resource on Flash eLearning to HTML5 conversions – an all in all guide! Get your hands on insights such as – why convert to HTML5, 4 ways to covert, tools for conversion, Flash to HTML5 conversion process, how to select a conversion partner and more! Click the link below to discover all these!

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