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Home Sanitization Services | Office Sanitization Services in Dubai

Primo Cleaning and Maintenance Services LLC
Home Sanitization Services | Office Sanitization Services in Dubai

Primo provides professional sanitization services is the most reliable cleaning company in Dubai with a trusted and trained team. We are proudly registered with Dubai Municipality for Sanitization and Disinfection Services. We used Health Authority (DHA) approved methods for sanitization and cleaning.


Fogging and steaming are the best ways of sanitizing and disinfecting than other methods using harsh chemicals. It is more effective and environment-friendly, as it uses no harsh chemicals or cleaning agents and has low water sage dependency.

We use a disinfectant called VINNER Disinfect VITAL OXIDE which is approved by NSF (National Sanitization Foundation) International The hospital-grade disinfectant, VITAL OXIDE is Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) registered and environment friendly and gives out a transparent, colorless, and odorless fog, which reaches to every corner of your home or office, which otherwise is impossible to reach through normal cleaning. Vital oxide is a disinfectant for all kinds of surfaces including floors, doors, walls, tables, furniture, and other equipment. We ensure to sanitize your home and kill most of the harmful germs that can cause diseases. Fogging is also safe to do around children, food, and pets as it is eco-friendly, and is skin safe.

Primo Cleaning and Maintenance Services LLC
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