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Journalism Open Doors to a Range of Career Options

amity university
Journalism Open Doors to a Range of Career Options

It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword and journalism for centuries has been proving it right. Sincere, honest, dedicated, and ethical journalists are torchbearers of any functional democracy speaking for and on behalf of the public on political, cultural, religious, and social matters among other things. Mass communication is all about providing information as factually correct and objectively as possible to a fairly large number of people at the same time.

A news anchor presenting a news program on a news channel on television could be a good example of mass media. However, this information has to be collected by someone and it has to come from somewhere before it is presented to an audience. This is where journalism comes in. Their job is to investigate, analyze, and report objectively on a variety of local, national, and international events and happenings.

The popularity of mass media in India in recent times and its fast-paced growth has made journalism an incredibly exciting career option. Studying journalism from the best journalism colleges in mumbai or for that matter anywhere else in India can open doors to a range of exciting careers for you. Quality institutes do an excellent job of honing your creativity, communication, writing, and research skills among others to ensure that you rise to the task of being a premium quality journalist in an immensely competitive marketplace.


Journalism courses are offered both at graduation and post-graduation levels. You can enroll yourself in a Bachelor of Mass Communication/journalism course in any reputable institute after +2 to be journalism. For added value and skills you can opt for a Master's in journalism or mass communication. A graduate from any discipline who has a flair for writing can also opt for a postgraduate course in journalism.

  • Jobs related directly to your degree include:
    • Newspaper journalist
    • Magazine journalist
    • Copy-editor
    • Proof-reader
    • Broadcast journalist
    • Editorial assistant, etc.

Jobs where your degree may not be directly related but could prove helpful include:

  • Market researcher
  • Writer
  • PRO (public relations officer)
  • Information officer
  • Advertising and digital copywriters among others

Work experience

Work experience in the field of journalism, as in any other field is highly valued. You can do your career aspirations a great service by building up a portfolio of work or projects and gaining as much relevant experience as possible in the meantime. Working on a college or department magazine, newspaper, or in the PR department of the college could be a good beginning for students. Such courses also encourage live projects and internships in media organisations which can further help in enhancing journalistic skills.

Students can also gain some good experience working in the university’s radio station. Top bachelor of mass media colleges in mumbai or anywhere else have sound infrastructure and state of the art labs, auditoriums, etc where you can hone your journalism skills. These well-known mass communication colleges also offer top placement opportunities with a variety of TV production houses, radio stations, magazines, and newspapers among others.

The world of Journalism can be extremely tricky if you are unsure of what you want to do. Before embarking on a journey towards higher education and vocational proficiency it is imperative that you know all that your university can offer and how best can you use it to chart your career graph.

amity university
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