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OK Google Not Working

Crish Harish
OK Google Not Working

On the off chance that your Hey Google doesn't work even after the initial step, this is the ideal opportunity to check on the off chance that it is identified with Google Assistant; It is the Google Assistant that triggers to OK Google order, it is additionally an opportunity that it might have been killed because of at all explanation. Tap or hold the Home catch. In the event that you get incited to turn on Google Assistant. At the point when OK Google was first delivered, a few clients where vexed in light of the fact that they couldn't utilize their OK Google from their bolted telephone screen, despite the fact that they had seen the upbeat campers in the Google promotions do only this. This was not a glitch but instead an extra security setting added in by Google. So as to get this to work, clients expected to empower the 'Confided in Voice' setting. Steps To Fix The Android OK Google Not Working.  Voice search just backings US English and it can't see some other language separated from it. So ensure that English (US) is set as the language on your Android telephone. It's smarter to check the language settings first if Your Android "OK Google" Not Working.

Crish Harish
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