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Why You Should Care About the Future of NFC Technology

John Philip Cuevas
Why You Should Care About the Future of NFC Technology

Near Field Communication or commonly known as NFC Technology, is a communication protocol allowing the user to send radio information to the recipient in the form of radio frequency identification or RFID. NFC was first patented in the 1980’s by Charles Winston. Originally, the technology was introduced for tracking purposes. It was then reinvented by Sony and NXP Semiconductors in 2002 to send data from the users NFC enabled mobile device to the other NFC capable gadget by tapping it in. 

The Relevance of NFC Technology to Your Business

Along with the advancement of the digital age, NFC Technology has been reintroduced by several companies as a productive tool in digital marketing. Companies like Apple, Samsung, bigDAWGS Promotions, and the like; integrated NFC chips to their products to widen audience reach and market. Apple and Samsung may have been incorporating NFC chips to their mobile devices for data transfers and contactless payments; bigDAWGS on the other hand has a unique approach of using NFC Technology expanding it further to market client’s products and services seamlessly. From NFC business cards, stickers and labels, keyfobs and keychains, magnets, to inlays; the technology has been so useful in identifying customer demographics knowing when and how your target audience engaged in your marketing collaterals. 

Integrating NFC Technology to your marketing piece is proven to be effective in understanding your customers’  potential behavior. This allows you, as a business, to take a course of action in improving your strategies to capture your audience appropriately. Furthermore, through this unique approach, you can redefine your marketing campaigns and heighten customer experience ensuring satisfaction in the long run. 

NFC Stays Today and Tomorrow

According to the NFC Forum, NFC Technology will be available on 2.2 billion devices worldwide by 2020. These NFC enabled devices will be implemented by most organizations in very creative ways. Just like how bigDAWGS’ used their own NFC technology such as NFC brochure, NFC sticker tags, NFC business cards, among others to their reputable clients. Apparently, NFC can be applied for commercial and personal purposes to make life easy. These include but are not limited to; payments, traveling tickets, office tasks, business cards, among others. The limitless possibilities of using NFC technology can also be found in the education sector. Schools and campuses may take advantage of the technology by embedding it on their prospectus to guide students throughout the season. 

Going Beyond the Usual 

For businesses who often rely on the usual marketing approach, going beyond the trend may seem beneficial today. NFC Technology is a new way to leverage brand awareness thereby reaching your targeted customers directly. By tapping into this technology and embedding it on the products, you are creating a new marketing channel in real-time. The real-time information gathered allows you to identify and scan the market, better engagement and communication with customers, and provide quality solutions to their growing needs. 

And that’s why, from a business standpoint, you should care about NFC today and tomorrow!

John Philip Cuevas
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