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Peptide: An Amazing Skin Care Ingredient

DoreHer Korea Collection
Peptide: An Amazing Skin Care Ingredient

Most of us are very fond of skincare products and adding new ingredients to it acts as a new beginning to it. Peptides are in trend these days. There are many products that consist of peptides. Peptide related products are meant to change your skin for the better.

Peptides are also known as polypeptides and work well for our skin. These are a type of amino acids that provide protein to our skin. However, these are naturally present in our skin and are also present in certain skincare products. Adding peptide products in our skincare routine helps the skin to produce more collagen that fades away due to the aging process.

Benefits of Peptides

We all know that collagen is an essential nutrient in our skin. As the content of collagen decreases in our body, our body tends to produce wrinkles. So, we can use anti-wrinkle peptide cream to stuff all the necessary proteins back into our skin. Certain collagen supplements are available in the markets but we cannot put collagen directly on our skin as it is not absorbed easily by our skin. This is the reason why peptides are an alternative to bring back collagen in our skin to make it glowy and healthy.

So, the other benefits of peptides are as follows:

  • Improved skin barrier.
  • Improves elasticity in the skin.
  • Eases inflammation.
  • Helps to clear breakouts.

We can also use a white tone up cream on our skin to make it look healthy and attractive.

DoreHer Korea Collection
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