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How Much Does It Cost to Develop an AAA Game

Lana Voutik
How Much Does It Cost to Develop an AAA Game

With the advent of technologies like AR, VR, and more, the gaming industry is thriving at an indispensable rate. Depending on their interest and choice, players can play casual, role-playing, action, adventure, and other types of games. Among all the popular genres, AAA games are the ones that have been grabbing the attention of players for a long.

AAA or Triple-A games are the type of video or mobile games that are developed by mid-sized or big publishers with a large production and marketing budget.

Even when you don’t decide on these factors, you can expect the game cost to be around USD 50 million to USD 150 million.


Creating an interactive and engaging interface with detailing and high-resolution is not a cakewalk. It takes a considerable level of expertise and great efforts of the designers, which ultimately impacts the overall budget of the game development.

Tools Used For The Development

To meet the exact game development requirements and deliver superior quality work, AAA game development involves using high-level tools, which costs a bit high. Sometimes developers use costly tools that come up with additional features to minimize the development efforts and speed up the development process.

Besides these tools, the powerful and advanced gaming engines required for the game development are generally licensed at a steep cost.

The Voice Element

The voice element plays a pivotal role in the success of an AAA game.

Expertise on the Technologies

Since the development of AAA games need top-notch technologies and tools, a developer needs to have a significant level of experience and expertise to use them.


To make an AAA or any other game functionally sound, each development module needs to be tested properly.


Selling your AAA game requires the right marketing strategies, which further needs an experienced professional and top-level marketing tactics and advertising campaigns.

Launch and Post-Launch Support

Once the game is developed, you need to fulfill the platform requirements to make it ready for the launch. Sometimes, this may cost you a bit. Besides this, you also need a support team to look after the maintenance part of the app to ensure its flawlessness and add new features regularly. This is what we call as post-launch support, which also needs lots of investment.

After reading about the AAA game development in detail, if you want to build it, then reach out to a trusted and experienced game development company. Share your game development idea or provide the company with your specific game requirements. To choose the best company, it is advised to look into their previous work or check their portfolio.

Final Words

Games that require high development and marketing cost and need years to develop are considered as AAA games. Moreover, it needs around 2000 to 15000 developers to create an AAA game for different platforms.

Now, you must be having an idea of the reasons why the cost of development is so high. Read the complete article to know the other factors that decide the cost of AAA game development.

Lana Voutik
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