As a special article within the UAV series, it's really exciting to introduce this glossary to professionals, enthusiasts and professionals who want to find out more about UAVs. we've specially sorted out the abbreviations of commonly used drone professional vocabulary, hoping to assist you read the drone industry literature and news more smoothly.
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration): The regulatory authority under the U.S. Department of Transportation, liable for strengthening aviation safety, installing control facilities and maintaining proper air navigation.
CoA (Certificate of Authorization): The authorization granted by the FAA to permit public operators to perform selected drone flights or activities. This process may take up to 60 days and requires operational review.
MAVLink (Mini Airplane Link): the foremost common is that the protocol for communication between the UAV and therefore the communication system system (GCS) to convey direction, speed, etc.
GCS: communication system Station. GCS is typically the interface employed by the operator to regulate or issue commands to the drone.
GSD: Ground sampling distance. GSD is that the distance between pixels in a picture measured on the thing being observed (the ground in most cases). for instance , a 1 inch GSD is like 1 inch wide for every pixel during a photo.
WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System): The satellite navigation system developed by FAA can enhance GPS signals to enhance positioning accuracy.
LAANC System (Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Function System): A Beta program provided by FAA which will help control airspace access to drone pilots.
RPAS (Remote Control Aircraft/Aircraft System): a mixture of unmanned aircraft, pilots and their command systems.
sUAS (Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System): alittle drone weighing but 55 pounds. It also can be a miniature aircraft.
OSD (On Screen Display): On drones, this will project flight data on the screen, like speed, battery life, etc.
PIC (Pilot Command): UAV operator.
NOTAM: Information provided to drone operators to warn them of immediate dangers or restrictions that haven't yet been issued.
VO (Visual Observer): An optional teammate which will assist the pilot by scanning the airspace for hazards during the drone flight. It also can be called a "discoverer".
FPV (First Person Perspective): Use the drone's camera to drive the drone in real time. Pilots often wear goggles, which contain video footage.
FOV (Field of View): "Drone's Eye" view.
VLOS (Visual Line of Sight): A requirement of the FAA that the drone operational must be visible to the eye of the pilot without the help of kit .
BVLOS: Beyond sight. The operator cannot see any flight of the drone with independent vision (binoculars, cameras, etc.), including when the operator cannot tell which direction the drone is facing.
RTF (Ready-to-Fly): excellent for beginners. This drone doesn't require (or at least) assembly and may be used directly out of the box.
ARTF or ARF (Almost Flyable): UAV operation, pre-built UAV or standard that needs minimal assembly before flight.
VTOL (Vertical Takeoff): this is often the vertical takeoff capability of the UAV relative to the fixed-wing aircraft. Also called "vertical emission".
ATC/ATM (Air control or Management): A service during which an traffic controller on the bottom directs traffic in controlled airspace and provides advice to personnel in uncontrolled airspace. These personnel are trained and managed by the FAA.
AGL (above the ground): In aviation, AGL refers to the altitude or height of the drone relative to the bottom . If the drone is flying 250 feet above a 100-foot-high building, the AGL is 150 feet.
TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction): A notice issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to UAV pilots to temporarily restrict airspace. this is often common for natural disasters or large-scale events.
RSSI: Received signal strength indicator. This measurement are often wont to determine signal quality health.
RPM (revolutions per minute): A unit of measurement wont to determine the amount of rotations of the drone's motor in 1 minute.
ESC (Electronic Speed Control): Adjust the speed and direction of the UAV motor.
FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum): so as to avoid interference and avoid eavesdropping, this method of transmitting radio signals can switch the carrier among many channels.
IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit): The measurement device relies on the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer to report the direction of the drone.
P mode (positioning mode): the foremost popular flight mode, it'll activate all sensors to make sure stability when hovering.
INS (Inertial Navigation System): an indoor method for drones to work out their own position.
IOC (Intelligent Orientation Control): Another term for "headless mode" that permits the drone to recollect its previous orientation for subsequent flight.
Prop (propeller): a crucial a part of the drone, which has inclined blades to form it fly.
OAS (Obstacle Avoidance System): A system pre-programmed as a drone which will alert pilots of obstacles and collision hazards.
LOS (line of sight): FAA's requirements for drone operations, which stipulate that the drone should be visible from the pilot's operating position.
POI (Point of Interest): Available on most drone models, this flight mode allows the drone's camera to coach on a particular area or object.
LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): LiDAR is employed to live distance through the sunshine reflection of laser light.
RTH (Return to Home) or RTL (Return to Home): An automatic drone function which will park the drone at a specific home point.
LiPo (lithium polymer): the foremost common battery type in drones.
mAh (milliampere hour): wont to measure the battery power of the drone.
MSL (Mean Sea Level): The altitude/altitude of the drone.
PDB (Power Distribution Board): The link between the UAV battery and other aircraft components.
AUW (full weight): the utmost weight of the drone, including batteries and other accessories.
CG or CoG (center of gravity): the middle of gravity of the drone.
METAR (Meteorological Terminal Aviation Regular Weather Report): A format wont to report specific weather information.
AMA (Model Aviation Academy): A non-profit, self-supporting organization dedicated to promoting model aviation (including drones) and drone entertainment.
Learn more about drone mapping: https://www.satlab.com.se/product_uri/sla-2-drone-mapping/