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5 Fun Facts about Greeting Card

Allen Oneil
5 Fun Facts about Greeting Card

I guess you have used greeting cards hundreds of times in your life. And you know many things about the greeting cards and different types of greeting cards such as birthday cards, Christmas cards, and others. But there are so many fun facts about greeting cards. Do you know about these?

I guess you do not know these and that is why you are here and reading this article. The good news is that you are in the right place because I am going to tell you 5 fun facts about the cards. So keep reading until the end to know the details.


The card from the white house

Do you know that the president of the white house sends greeting cards every year? The first card was sent by President Calvin Coolidge in 1927. Since then it becomes a tradition to send the card to the parliament member. Every year, a lot of cards are sent to the members. The most number of cards were sent by President Eisenhower in 1853 to ambassadors. Besides, Barak Obama and Bush had sent millions of cards.


Price of the card

What is the price of the greeting cards? You might say that it will be 5 dollars or less. And that is very common. But do you know what the highest price of cards is? And can you guess the price of the cards? A company called Gilded Age Greetings, whose handmade card price begins from around $395. And do you know the highest price? It is $4,995.


The first greeting card

The tradition of sending cards has been running from ancient times. From the Egyptians to the Chinese, all have been sending greetings. There is no exact history of sending the first greeting cards. At first, it was written in wood or leather. Then when the printing on the paper was invented, the greeting cards started to be sent to others.


Most popular card

There are billions of cards that have been sent by now. Many beautiful greeting cards are there as well. If you want to get the best quality cards, then you can visit Hallmark. Among all types of greeting cards, birthday cards are the most popular. People use it the most.


The business of greeting cards

You have known many things about the cards. But do you know the business around the cards? Do you know the amount businesses can make every year from this? It is found that around $8 billion money has been spent on greeting cards. There is even a dugnad business around greeting cards, as this Norwegian article claims.

So these are some main fun facts you should know about greeting cards. As you know, the greeting card is a good way to build a relationship and improve the bonding among the relatives. And you have been using the cards for a long time for sure and I am sure you did not know about these fun facts. However, the good news is that you know and I hope this article will help you a lot. 

Allen Oneil
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