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Your Chance to Shine?

claire hast
Your Chance to Shine?

I see a number of people around who are firmly against the situation happening around us, yet are either too afraid or too busy with Netflix or something similar to take action. Several of the healers I am aware of actually deliberately avoid taking action, so as not to engage with the struggle in the collective and instead to keep own their energy safe and protected!! Whilst maintaining a strong vibration and protecting your energy is vital at these times, it doesn’t stop you engaging and shining your light into the darkness in ways which are wholesome and helpful.
Thinking that you can’t do that is quite simply a fear-based concept, and suggests they  are perhaps even missing the entire point of their entire incarnation?

Full article here https://www.dougbuckingham.com/your-chance-to-shine/?v=79cba1185463

claire hast
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