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Relocating Your Office? Here’s How to Reduce Downtime

Safehouse Storage

Your business is growing and your needs are changing. That’s a good thing! But with business growth, you need a bigger space and a better facility to meet customer demands and satisfy employees. Whatever is the reason behind your next commercial move in the Philippines, the transition can be stressful and may affect your productivity during your office relocation. Manila is a business district with busy streets and bustling neighbourhoods. So whether you’re moving from one location to another in Manila or to a neighboring city in Metropolitan Manila, you need to have a moving plan to reduce downtime and ensure business continuity during the corporate move.

  1. Hire professional movers in Manila

Let’s face it. Moving your office to a new location will be a major downtime for your employees. They would require time to set up their desk, system, and files. By hiring professional movers in Manila, you can get all your computer workstations, file storage, and IT department set up within the stipulated timeline. So if you plan your move during the weekends, your new office will be ready before the start of the next week.

  1. Plan a multi-phase move

Depending on the size of your company, you can plan a phased move. Moving one department at a time would allow other employees to continue their work. Provide work from home option to the department that is being moved to a new office space. Assign them tasks ahead of moving. This is the best way to reduce office downtime.

  1. Rent a temporary office space

If you have a small to medium-sized company, renting a temporary furnished office space during the move would be a wise decision. If you are a large corporate, you can ask select employees to come to the rented office space and the rest can work from home. Make use of remote working tools to stay on track. In the meantime, your hired professional movers in the Philippines can pack, transfer, and set-up your new office, without affecting your business hours.

  1. Prepare a Contingency Plan

Relocate your data, files, and equipment is a high-risk and expensive endeavour. It is essential to have a contingency plan so that you can avoid unnecessary delays and failures. Create a backup plan, and if you need, keep your important documents in secure storage units. There are some licensed movers in Manila that also provide the right storage space based on your needs and budget.

  1. Communicate, communicate, and communicate

Communicating with your employees, movers, and everyone in between is crucial when you want to make your office move successful and reduce downtime. Make a list of all the key steps and phases in your move and communicate it to your employees. They should know what to expect, how to do, when to do, and other things related to your next move. Make sure you provide specific details to your movers regarding packing and organizing everything in the new location to avoid issues later on.


A corporate office move is not an easy task. It takes a lot of effort and time. By planning your move ahead of time in a phased approach, hiring professional movers in the Philippines, renting a temporary space, communicating with your employees, and preparing a contingency plan, you can keep downtime low as much as possible.

About the Author:

Liam Kim

Liam is working as a senior event manager at a leading company in the Philippines. He has helped thousands of companies to plan their events and made them successful. Liam loves to share his tips and views on various topics related to the corporate sector, from moving to hosting international events. He has also published a book on how to make events successful.

Safehouse Storage
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