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Rwanda launches centre of excellence for cold chain; helps in Covid-19 vaccine logistics

Logistics Update Africa
Rwanda launches centre of excellence for cold chain; helps in Covid-19 vaccine logistics

The Rwandan Government has formally launched the new African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold Chain (ACES) that is hosted in-country by the University of Rwanda. At the inception meeting, a high-level cross-department team was established to lead the Centre’s development.

In collaboration with the core technical partners - the University of Birmingham and UN Environment Programme’s United for Efficiency (UNEP U4E) - progress in setting up the centre has quickened with the official endorsement of planned activities. ACES will help get farmers’ produce to market quickly and efficiently - reducing food waste, boosting profits and creating jobs as well as look to improve cold-chains for vaccines and health, now recognised globally as a key challenge for Covid-19 immunisation.



Logistics Update Africa
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