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Here are some benefits and features of the on-demand e-scooter app to make it your niche

jack richer
Here are some benefits and features of the on-demand e-scooter app to make it your niche

Electric scooters are the trending news ever since they have been launched. Electric scooters, as we all know, have two or three wheels that operate using the electricity generated using the batteries. 

Wondering how it has anything to do with the profit? According to the electric scooter market, the growth is expected to reach a CAGR of 8.5% in the span of 2019-2023. 

The growth of it is totally dependent on the benefits it offers like Cost-effective, Highly sustainability, Easy accessibility, Reliability, Maintenance-free, etc. So, why can’t you have such a powerful yet simple on-demand electric scooter app? 

What is an on-demand electric scooter app?

The app lets you rent an electric scooter when demanded. Examples of such apps are Lyft and Uber apps. They solve all the problems like maintenance, parking issues, and cost, etc, for the users. 

To woo you more into the on-demand e-scooter app development, here are some benefits for you: 

>> We have seen that the e-scooter market is growing, so start your app now and become more successful than having to compete in the market after being late.

>> Getting funded is a crucial part of the development. So bring out your app with a feature that is unique and doesn’t occur in any other similar apps. After deciding on the feature, start to get funded.

>> The revenue of the app is a question at hand for almost anyone, before developing it. Let’s take apps like Lime and Bird for example in the revenue calculation. According to an analysis, the e-scooter market earns for a ride. Whereas, Lime or Bird earns million as annual revenue. Earning in millions is not less and it should be clear to you now seeing the growth rate. 

>> With the growing market, becoming a market leader is easy if you start with it now. In case you still have doubts, Lyft was launched after Uber but Lyft is gaining more traction and is growing faster. 

Here are some features to make the app successful:

  • Search for nearby e-scooters
  • Unlock and Lock
  • Reservation using QR code
  • Smart lock, Pause, and End ride
  • Tracking real-time
  • Easy online payment
  • Notifications

If you are certain about having an on-demand e-scooter app by now, then it’s not too late. Plan only the features, logos, and preferences, and our team Appdupe is here to help you with the launch since they have readymade solutions. 

jack richer
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