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what is the process to recover RR email password

Sofia Jonas

RR mail is the best email service provider that provides the best services to the users. You can now change the password of your account as you go generally have to go through the security breach. If you are not aware of changing the password of your RR mail, then you can follow the steps mentioned below. These pointers will help you to understand the case through which you can have the solutions of RR email password Recovery

The process of changing the password of RR mail:

  • The first step is to go to the subscriber self-care, and then you need to fill in your account email address and the password.
  • In the next step, you will have to enter the text in the image and select login.
  • Below the heading of User Management, you need to “Change password” option.
  • You need to fill in the current password and your new password. Then, you need to confirm the new password.
  • You need to choose the tab of “Change password.”

This is how to recover RR email password. You need to contact the customer care support executives to seek their assistance.  The executives of the customer support team will help you out to get out of any difficult situation. They are also active round the clock and will cater to your needs and requirements.

Sofia Jonas
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