AI Products 

Lora Gateway Kit

RAKwireless Technology Limited
Lora Gateway Kit
Among the devices that you should heavily invest on is a Lora Gateway kit. LoRa gateways are routers that receive a device’s message and forward it to the IoT network. A single gateway can help and serve thousands of devices already.

Key Features

  • RAK831 LPWAN Module with Raspberry Pi3 and MAX-7Q GPS Module, based on SX1301, 433/868/915MHz.
  • Support 433MHz / 868MHz / 915MHz communication band
  • Based on Semtech SX1301, half-duplex gateway module
  • Support 10 channels, 8 downlink and 1 uplink channel, 1 FSK channel
  • RF output power of 25.2dBm
  • Receiving sensitivity up to -139dBm, up to 15KM
RAKwireless Technology Limited
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