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Haptic Technology Overview

Global Market Database
Haptic Technology Overview

Haptic devices were first successfully applied in the 1970s, and in video games, most people would have encountered a form of haptic feedback that makes motion feedback part of the gameplay experience. In computer games, the inclusion of haptic technologies improve the player’s perception and, as a consequence, the enjoyment of the player. Also, haptic interfaces are significantly important in teaching and other applications. This is because rich and accurate knowledge about an item is transmitted by the sensation of touch. Global Market Database is a world’s first dynamic B2B Market Research Platform which provides free market research tools.

Communication is created between the finger pads and the surface of the ball as the fingertips touch the ball. Each finger pad is a complex sensory system that includes receptors in the skin as well as in the tissue underlying it. There are several types of these receptors such as light contact, hard contact, pressure, vibration, and discomfort, one for each type of stimuli. The input jointly coming from these receptors allows the brain to recognize the ball’s subtle tactile data. Global Market Database is a cloud based dynamic market database platform which gives free access to ten-year global forecast data for the Haptic technology market for the next ten years. The data can be accessed after a two step registration process. Global Market Database is an effective market research tool that gives its users market wise quantitative inputs.

Haptic Technology in Germany

A large part of Germany’s economy is the automotive sector. To satisfy the demands of the consumer, German automotive firms are gradually investing in haptic technology. Haptic technology plays a significant role in the automotive industry in all ways, especially in developments that directly affect the driver or other personnel in the automobile. Inside vehicles, each type of haptic technology has a different application. LRAs may also be used in centralized control systems, but their most useful feature is a safety precaution and vibrational warning device to warn the driver whether they are deviating into other lanes, exceeding the speed limit, or if the driver is feeling dizzy can be picked up by sensors. Piezo haptic sensors are mostly found inside a dashboard’s touch panel, but they can have a much higher degree of accuracy and only vibrate the localized area where the finger of the driver is touching. As automobiles integrate more sensors the use of haptic feedback will only grow, thus ensuring safety and user experience. This development in the automobile industry is having a positive effect on the demand for haptic technology in Germany. GMD is a market research tool for market intelligence database.

Due to the rise in the use of haptics in consumer electronic products, the German market for haptic technologies is growing significantly. Consumer electronics products form the major application of haptic technology. The sector of consumer electronics is the highest sales generator for the German market. The primary reason behind its largest share is the incorporation by mobile manufacturers of haptics on a wide scale. Touch screens with haptic features have emerged as one of the smart devices’ most favored interfaces. This offers advanced application features, such as user interfaces that are dynamic and interactive. Thus, market growth is anticipated in Germany for the haptic technology market in the coming years.

Owing to the positive sales rise of wearable products, Germany is anticipated to account for a significant share of the demand for haptic technology in Europe. A touch screen kiosk in the country is also gaining popularity. Haptics can be used in almost all new touch screen applications, and the development of the haptic technology industry in Germany is therefore projected to benefit from the rising trends.

Global Market Database
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