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Sachiya Steel International offers Cupro Nickel 70 Plates, Sheets and Coils, which are considered and factory – made at our hi-tech manufacturing unit.
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Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Coils have outstanding pitting and corrosion resistance in marine atmospheres.
Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Slating Coils are ductile and strong.The small content of iron provides Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Perforated Coils (UNS C71500) an unexpected resistance to wide – ranging corrosion and SCC, making it very appropriate and perfect for the marine or manufacturing industries.
Meanwhile, Cu-Ni 70 / 30 Sheets are also being offered in different sizes and shapes to our customers.Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 Plates | Cupro Nickel 70 PlatesCu-Ni 70 / 30 Plates are as well used in Water Boxes – Salt Water Applications, Salt Water Flanges, Salt Water Piping, Pump Bodies and Internal Parts-Sea Water, Fittings.
Cu-Ni 70 / 30 Coils is also used in Valve Bodies, Sea Water Service, Sea Water Condensers, Salt Water Pipe Fittings, Water Boxes – Salt Water Applications & Salt Water Flanges.Known for their flexibility, high corrosion resistance, superior tensile strength, trouble free installation and maintenance, Cu-Ni 70 / 30 Slating Coils are in demand in different industries.